Wednesday, July 9, 2014

What's your priority in life?

After working for 1 year plus in this company, I have been asking myself, is this where i wanna work?
I know I have been learning korean language, yoga and now, cardio kickboxing.
This is because I don't enjoy what I am doing at work, I don't like the environment of my work.

Don't get me wrong, I know I am in a Marine industry and I know I studied somewhat related things.
I don't mind working in a shipyard, I don't mind working in a all men environment, but I do mind the atmosphere in my office. 
There are a lot of ladies in my office. And there is one who always gossips and spread rumours. 
I don't like it, thats why i choose to stay away from them and only talk when work needs.
I can't choose my colleagues but I can choose who are my friends. 
I don't need a lot of friends and it is rare to have friends in company too.
I do have a few. And I am super glad that even an uncle, the painting section head cheers me up when i am upset. 
Super heart warming.
My project supt and him taught me that the first one who let emotions out loses first. Only show that you are fearless and strong, never show your enermies you are weak.

Recently, the biggest mouth which is the lead of the whole clique spread rumours about me.
Tyler and I didnt quarrel. We just didnt talk, thats all.
I dont understand why she had to spread to my project manager who is her boss about this.
She say tyler and I quarrel, however when i confront her, she say she didnt say?!
I just tell her to mind her fucking business. 
If you have the time to spread things about me, why not use this time to brush up your english. It is bad.

Everytime i need my project manager signature, I will have to pass her my report.
She will keep flapping as though she understand the content? This didnt bother me.
Because I am not afraid of her checking la. 
I believe my work is perfect already if not i won't hand in too. 
But I feel like laughing every time she "check" my work.

Not only this, she spread about my another colleague chasing me?! WTF.
Just because we always have lunch together, and he stay in the same area as me.

I mean I didnt talk about her, I didnt even hang around her? WTF SHE WANNA SAY ALL THESE?

My Joinery foreman and I are very close friend. When i go onboard, he will talk to me, chit chat with me.
We  talk nonsense on whatsapp as well. He says woman married with kids are the most AUNTIE on earth.
They gossip, they bitch. Thats what they are made for.

All these incident kept me wondering, is this where i wanna be working in?
I don't look forward to work everyday, even before this incident happen.
Because wearing a mask is superficial. I hate it.

I look forward to school everyday even though I don't like my uni classmates.
Because I enjoy what i am doing. Wearing a mask and doing something i like is another story.
Because i get to do what i like.
But now? Is this really adulthood?
I talked to my mum about it. She say it is survival. 
Everyone dont look forward to work, they just need money to survive. And the cycle continue.
Is it true? Can someone enlighten me?

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